What is the best birth control method?
The suitability of a specific product/method for a specific person depends on a number of factors. We look at the options with you and your partner and select a suitable product/method for your personal situation.
A few examples are listed below:
If you have an increased risk of thrombosis, hormonal birth control products are often not the best choice.
If you have an irregular lifestyle, you may find it difficult to use a product that you have to remember to take every day.
If you do not want to get pregnant at the present time, but (possibly) want to have children in the future, sterilisation is not a good choice.
Birth control product/method reliability
No birth control product/method is 100% reliable. The reliability of most products and methods is strongly dependent on how you use them.
Not happy with your current birth control product/method?
Do you have complaints, or are you not happy with your current pill or birth control method? Ask us for information on a good alternative.
Fees are charged for appointments and issuing or placing birth control products. Please contact the clinic for current prices: tel. +31 (0)88 – 8884444. The fees for treatment are set by the government.
If you live in the Netherlands: some health insurance policies cover all or part of the costs. Please contact your insurer to request reimbursement.
If you do not live in the Netherlands: you must pay for the costs of treatment yourself. The fees must be paid prior to your treatment.
Birth control
A birth control product/method (contraceptive) protects you against pregnancy when you have sex and do not want to become pregnant.
Birth control products/methods differ in terms of their effect, use, reliability and side-effects. Some are hormonal (oestrogens and progestogens) and others are without hormones.
Questions & answers
1. How do I prevent an unwanted pregnancy?
Your choice of birth control product or method is very personal. It is affected by your personal situation and preferences. Are you a man or a woman? Do you still want to be able to have children or not? Do you find having your period in the normal way to be important? Do you want protection against STDs/AIDS? Do you prefer to use a hormonal contraceptive or one without hormones? When you make an appointment with a doctor, he or she will discuss all these issues with you and let you make your own choice.
​2. Is birth control reliable?
The reliability of the different products and methods is strongly dependent on the extent to which you use them as prescribed. If not used as prescribed in practice, products that are theoretically extremely reliable will offer less protection against pregnancy than products which are theoretically less reliable but used correctly.
Your motivation to use a product in the right way therefore plays an important role.
In general, we can assign the different birth control methods to three groups based on reliability:
Extremely reliable products/methods: sterilisation, copper IUD, hormonal IUD, hormonal implant
Reliable products/methods: combined pill/contraceptive ring/contraceptive patch, contraceptive injection, male condom/female condom
Less reliable products/methods: coitus interruptus, natural methods
3. Is hormonal birth control harmful to your health?
Hormonal contraceptives are not harmful to your health. However, you must allow your body to get accustomed to the hormones during the first few months and you may suffer from nausea, headaches, tenderness in the breasts, blood loss between your monthly periods or mood swings. These side-effects normally disappear of their own accord. If they do not, you must consult your doctor. There is a slightly elevated risk of cardiovascular disease when using some hormonal products, such as the pill, patch and ring. Smoking increases that risk considerably. You must tell your doctor if you smoke.
4. I do not want to take the pill (any more), what other options do I have?
In addition to the pill, you can choose from many other birth control products. For example the copper IUD, the hormone IUD, the Nuvaring, the Evra patch, Implanon, the diaphragm, condoms, sterilisation, a contraceptive injection.
5. Am I likely to feel an IUD at all during sex?
Under normal circumstances, you and your partner will not notice the IUD at all during sex.
You have any personal questions? Make an appointment and ask the doctor.
Do you want to have children or not? Do you find having your period in the normal way to be important? Do you want protection against STDs/AIDS? Do you prefer to use a hormonal contraceptive or one without hormones? When you make an appointment with a doctor, he or she will discuss all these issues with you and let you make your own choice.